How to use the booking feature as a Business Place owner

Step-1: First, visit and click on “Register as a booking partner”.

Step-2: Now, you have to input your email and press “submit” button. An OTP of 6 digits will be sent to your email, insert that to verify yourself.

Step-3: Now, you have to insert some personal information, like your username, your company name, your phone number and your desired password. Then click on finish to continue.

Step-4: Now, sign in with your email/phone number and password from

Step-5: After a successful login, you will see the dashboard of the booking feature. Click on the “Business Place List” menu from the sidebar.

Step-6: Now, add a place by clicking on the “ Add New Place” button. Here, you have to insert a “Title”, and select the category. Then select the “Location” by typing the name and choosing the auto-suggestion. Then add a “Short Description” and a “Long Description” about your place.

Figure - The Dashboard

Step-7: Next, add the features. Then, add a primary photo to promote your place. After that, you can add 3 more photos to describe your place.

Step-8: Next, press “the Submit” button to save your place successfully.

NOTE: After successfully adding the place, you have to wait till the SquareFeet admin approves your place to be publicly displayed.

Step-9: It is time to add your slots. Click on the “Slots” from the sidebar and select “Add New Slot”.

Figure - The Slots

Step-10: Write the name of the slot, select the start time, the end time, and the day. Next, press the “Submit” button. Remember, this slot will not be displayed publicly until your place is approved, and you have made it a “Place Slot”.

Step-11: It is time to add your slots in “Slot Pricing”. Click on “Slot Pricing” from the sidebar and select “Add New Place Slot”

Figure - Slot Pricing

Step-12: Now, select the Place, then select a Slot that you want to show the public for booking. Next, decide a Price and a Minimum Price for that slot. Click on “Submit”, and your slot is open for booking to the public.

Step-13: If you want to book a slot manually, click on “Booking” from the sidebar and select “Add New Booking”.

Step-14: Now, select the Date, and Place, then select a Slot that you want to book. Next, decide a Booking Price for what you are booking the slot. Click on “Submit”, and your slot is open for booking to the public.

Step-15: If you want to book a slot manually, click on “Booking” from the sidebar and select “Add New Booking”. Then, select the Date, Place, and Slot. Now select the price for what you are making the booking.

Step-16: Next, You can make the booking paid and make the rest of the money paid from here. Click on the details button, then you will see a black tick mark.

Step-17: Click on that, and make the slot manually paid. The rest of the amount will become due, so you need to send an invoice to the user.

Step-18: Press the back button and see the current calculations. Now, click on the orange tick mark to send an invoice for the unpaid amount.

Step-19: Again, click on the details button. You will see one row for the previously manually paid calculation. Now there is another row with a black tick mark. Click on the black tick to make the rest amount manually paid.

Step-20: You will see, the status of both invoices have become paid. That is it, you have fully booked a slot manually.

Want to collect your bills online?

Account & Billing
This is a feature, which makes rent and other bill collections very easy. The flat owner can send an invoice and collect the bill within seconds. He will also get a monthly summary sheet with accounting.