Dark Day of History: National Mourning Day of Bangladesh

No relatives of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were alive, they killed everyone and announced “All finished”. The death of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman brought a black scary day. The father of the nation was taken away from us. On this day, 15th August 1975.

Dark Day of History: National Mourning Day of Bangladesh

House no 10, Dhanmondi 32, had witnessed a brutal morning. When the sun has not risen, a group of assassins attacked the president’s residence.

The personal secretary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said, he got informed the house will be attacked within minutes, he tried to contact the police control room, but no one picked up. Suddenly, Bangabandhu came down. After taking the receiver from his P.S, he spoke - “This is the president speaking”

But, the answer was given with bullets. The assassins used the same door to enter the house, which was opened for all the people of Bangladesh to meet Bangabandhu. They killed Sheikh Kamal and approached to kill Sheikh Russell. Little Rusell told them to spare him and send him to his Hasnu apa, but he was brutally murdered by them.

No relatives of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were alive, they killed everyone and announced  “All finished”. The death of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman brought a black scary day. Just when Bangladesh was recovering from the loss of war, the father of the nation was taken away from us. On this day, 15th August 1975.