Where Real Estate Ends, SquareFeet Begins

There remains an interesting interaction between the two sectors -1. Real Estate and 2. Digital Building management platform. But you must know how the use of these will make you the most benefited.

Where Real Estate Ends, SquareFeet Begins
Real Estate ends, The role of SquareFeet begins

SquareFeet is a digital PropTech management platform. Your relationship with a real estate company ends with presenting you a ready building, that building is maintained digitally by SquareFeet.

Bangladesh has a vast population, where the land for making buildings is less. This is an opportunity for the landowner to turn their building into a valuable asset. And that asset can become more desirable when it will be managed digitally.

There remains an interesting interaction between the two sectors -

1. Real Estate and 2. Digital Building management platform. But you must know how the use of these will make you the most benefited. The silver lining for your comfortable city life depends on how much you know about these properly. You can learn the details about these two sectors from SquareFeet.

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