What is SquareFeet ?

The one-stop digital services for a building and community, like - Accounting & Billing, Neighbours, NewsFeed, Gatekeeper, Service Provider, Booking, Notice, Contract, and Police Verification are altogether present here.

What is SquareFeet ?
One-stop solution for property management

The first Bangladeshi community-based property management platform, that wants to redefine the concept of urban neighbourhood is SquareFeet. The one-stop digital services for a building and community, like - Accounting & Billing, Neighbours, NewsFeed, Gatekeeper, Service Provider, Booking, Notice, Contract, and Police Verification are altogether present here.

For Whom is SquareFeet?

If you are a Flat Owner -

From digital rental contracts, and online police verification form to digital rental invoices all awaits in SquareFeet. You will enjoy sending notices to all your tenants at once, tenant management will be done within minutes here.

If you are a Tenant -

Do you get online rental receipts from your landowner? If not, you are about to get one.

SquareFeet maintains all the monetary transactions for your residence digitally in one place.

Not only this, you can know your neighbours from here. You can even get emergency help, and share your daily life story and pictures with your nearby community members in NewsFeed.

If you have multiple Properties

Multiple property management is SquareFeet’s specialty. You can add all your property details, and collect bills, send notices, and communicate with the tenants from here, together.  

If you have Institutions

If you are an owner of any field, community center, or clinic/ doctor’s chamber, you can maintain the bookings from SquareFeet. People who use SquareFeet can book slots online for your institutions within minutes.

You can also use this feature if you have multiple places.

If you need a Gatekeeper

Many building residents want good security in the building. A tightened security will be ensured if your gate is secured.

SquareFeet provides a smart, secured system named “Digital Gatekeeper”. No one will be able to enter your building if you don't allow it.  

From here, you will get digital attendance of your staff, and emergency contacts like - police, fire service, ambulance, and hospital. Also, there is a parcel maintenance facility in the gatekeeper feature.

If you are a Service Provider

If you are a service provider, like ISP, cable dish, even gas, or any other one, you can generate invoices and collect your bills from SquareFeet very easily.

Thus, your hassle of going door to door and collecting and calculating the bills will be reduced. Which will reduce your costing and save you time.

If you have warranty cards

We buy many things required for our daily life. Some possess warranty and servicing. We can not always maintain the paper card and ensure our warranty. Even, we often forget about the timing, so our warranty service is not properly enjoyed.

But, from SquareFeet, you can keep a track of your warranties, and avail of the servicing at the proper time.

If you need to book anything

For our various needs, we need to book many types of places, like the fields, community centers, or doctor’s appointments.

Now, you can digitally book all these places from SquareFeet within minutes. You will be able to see the features and reviews of the places, with the prices. Here, you can even partially book a slot with a minimum price.

To register as a "Partner" or, "Community Admin", please contact us -

Phone - +8801940301000
Email - info@squarefeet.xyz

To register as a booking partner -

To download App -

SquareFeet - Apps on Google Play
Be smart and solve the property associated issues digitally with SquareFeet

Want to Book your nearest Field?

Get your community center/ field or doctor’s chamber booked within minutes. You can also get the slots booked with a minimum amount in advance!Register as a Booking Partner